Sunday, March 12, 2006

Race Morning..

Fifteen minutes before I'm suppossed to leave my house to run this local race as part of a club championship.. I couldn't be any less casual about it all.. Still wearing my pajamas.. This is not the real Tamar, who normally wakes up 5 times in the night worrying about race strategy and missing the start of the race.. Well, I'm merely a warm body for this event.. I already told the authorities that I'm in no shape to race seriously.. That being the case, I may actually be able to have a little fun today.. Sidle up to all those people that were chatting away to me mindlessly as I was struggling with the pace last race.. See how they like getting roped into a lengthy conversation on their declining state of fitness as they go into oxygen dept.. Yes, runners are a cruel and sadistic bunch.. If you had considered getting involved in the world of road racing, be prepared for more than a physical challenge.. Some of us are normal out there.. Usually not anyone that's very competitive though.. And the tricky part is, most will deny til the end that they have any desire to win.. 'Oh, I was just out to have a good time'.. OK, right.. It's really quite a riot when your inner systems are bordering on very uncomfortable to I-may-pass-out-from-lactic-acid-build-up any second.. So am I looking forward to seeing all these folks at the race this morning? I guess I have some doubts.. Racing always makes me anxious, I suppose that's normal.. A race is a test, and if you've trained hard, you have a lot at stake, so things that are important to you can give you a healthy anxiety.. I guess my real concern this morning is, since I've eliminated that worry of performing since I'm going to take it easy.. My real concern is how to deal with that woman that always has an in-your-face rude comment disquised as friendly comraderie.. I never know how to deal with those people.. I think they're just clueless that they leave everyone in their paths speechless and offended.. Yup, she will be there.. She kind of leaves you feeling like George Costanza.. Two hours later you come up with the perfect comeback line, and the moment is well over to use it.. Wish me luck..


Deb said...

Hahaha! George Costanza! Too funny. Race = competitiveness = strategic = not just for fun. It’s fun when you’re outside on a Sunday morning just running because ‘you want to’. A race is a whole other ballgame; I can only imagine. I guess a lot of mind games go into this—much like roller derbies when they smash each other against the wall trying to get past the other person so they can win the race. Similar, right?

From what you described about your races to me and on this blog, it seems as though a lot of mental exhaustion goes into this as well as physical exhaustion. What you do is definitely not easy. It takes determination and above all---tolerance to put up with these idiots who want to talk about religion and politics to you just to get your goat while you’re trying your hardest to get to the finish line.

I hope you do great!

Deb said...

Smash one into the wall for me, will ya???

Ms. Senyak said...

Hi Deb! yeah, it's funny that there's so much mental energy involved in it.. I think racing is actually 95% mental.. You really have to trick your mind to put your body through so much discomfort.. It must sound horrible, it's really quite exhilerating! Ha ha, I'm sure I haven't sold anyone on it yet.. Hope you're cozy inside on this dismal day xx

TrappedInColorado said...

So, being sympatico with George Castanza, are you going to suggest snow tire day at the next marathon race?

It's dismal here too.

Going to wog for an hour just to get this well toned butt out of the house.

Heh, heh.. I say butt.


Deb said...

Can you only imagine what "wogging" means?

mikster said...

Well....I think it may be appropriate to inform the rude woman that tomorrow is promised to no one...unless you feel that's too

mikster said...

Is wogging slang for flogging?

just wondering.

Deb said...

Mike? What's flogging?

mikster said...

Deb....look it up!

Deb said...

(flg, flôg)
tr.v. flogged, flog·ging, flogs

1. To beat severely with a whip or rod.


Ms. Senyak said...

hey guys!

trapped~ wogging is walking/jogging, right? what is snow tire day? it does have a costanza-esque quality to it..

mike~ are you telling me to off the rude woman? hmmm.. believe me.. it has crossed.. ok, no, I would never hurt anyone.. but rudeness during a race deserves some special punishment.. I'm glad you appreciate that! ;-)

deb~ always handy with that dictionary! ;-)

TrappedInColorado said...

Remember the episode you mentioned where George thought of the perfect comeback but the guy had moved to Ohio and started working with Firestone tires? He then set up that meeting with the board and suggested snow tire day at Yankee Stadium just to set up that guy again for the perfect comeback. Geesh. Brush up on your Seinfield trivia! :)


Deb said...

Webster's my friend.

Jon said... is my buddy :D

So how did you do? We're waiting!

Ms. Senyak said...

trapped~ I must have blocked out that bit, cause I'm pretty fluent when it comes to Seinfeld..

deb~ yay webster!

jon~ thanks for asking.. it was a gret race, cause I could relax.. My only goal was not to let the guy pushing the baby beat me, and I accomplised that ;-)