La Mort du Fossoyeur, Carlos Schwabe, 1895
Here is a nice little test I would like to share with you: The Death Test. I was visiting my favorite testing site when I stumbled upon this. Feel free to take it.
At the end of the the test, they ask participants to share a heartwarming story about a loved one who died. Some are less heartwarming than others.
"Uncle Steve: I took my uncle out to lunch one day, at a diner. He ordered a chopped liver sandwich. I have taken many people out for dinner/lunch over the years, but he was the only one that ordered a chopped liver sandwich."
—TS, new york ny
"me and my grandpa used to go fishing twic a month an the month he died we went fishing for our last time a week b4 his death"
—maw, sutherland va
"God grant peace to the souls of Irina, Sergey and Anastasia and all who passed away all around the worldy"
—AAS, Russia
"My father died of smoking related illness. I left my parents when I was 7 years old. We reunited when I was 18... a year later my father was diagnosed with lung cancer... half a year later he passed away."
—s.h, West Covina, California
"The last time I saw him, I was 21 and pregnant with my first child. He arrived, clean shaven (which was rare) and with two long-stemmed white roses... one for me, and one for the baby. That was Easter Sunday, and he was gone before it was June. I still bring white roses when I visit his grave."
—tk, Cambridge, MA
"i was my grandmother's favorite grandson."
—ar, Los Angeles, CA
"My best friend Clavin died at 17 from a blood clot in his leg."
—JN, Piscataway, New Jersey
"My husband passed in Katrina. I didn't find out until i went to volunteer to help the animals (im a vet tech) that where left abandoned or homeless from the storm :("
—K, Southeast florida
"My grandmother taught me to crochet.She was so proud of me."
—CO, Stillwater
"I don't have any heartwarming stories about someone dear to me who is dead"
—KIP, Camp Lejeune, NC
Interesting to read the stories about people that have passed away.
The Grim Reaper is actually an interesting concept. I believe that you reap what you sow.
hi kevin~ thanks for bringing that up. I just did a little investigation, and the Grim Reaper does in fact have a fascinating history, as does death itself in the history of the world. There's no universal consensus on which gender represents it best, but I found a painting that offers one view.
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