Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Haiku for You

H1N1 meets R2-D2

I'm sick, so are you,
she transmitted through her blog.
Porky said, 'That's all, folks!'


paz13 said...

So let me see if I understand. H1N1 meets R2-DR and they are both sick. What I don't understand is why is that the end of the story. That's not even enough for a commercial. I think we're missing a few details.


Ms. Senyak said...

hi kevin~ it's just my strange mind at work- probably only makes sense to me. Haiku is short, generally 3 lines with 5, 7, and 5 syllables each, roughly.
Hey, I just realized your username Paz is the same as this song I'm teaching my kids in Spanish.. cool!

paz13 said...

tamar: You learn something new each day. I was not familiar with haiku.

My username/nickname goes back 39 years. I've kept that nickname and number ever since.


Ms. Senyak said...

kevin~ How did you get it, I'm curious? Did you know 'paz' (with the 'z' pronounced like an 's') in Spanish means 'peace'?

paz13 said...

Tamar: I played a lot of baseball growing up. In the late '60's Bill Mazeroski, aka "Maz" was a 2nd baseman for the Pittsburgh Pirates and Carl Yazstremski, aka "Yaz" played left field for the Boston Red Sox and won the Triple Crown in '67, the last baseball player that did it. "Paz" was an each choice given my last name. Maz wore #9, Yaz wore #8, I always wore #13 since my dad suggested it. I generally ask for it at races and get it all the races in the Binghamton area that I run in.

pax and paz both mean peace in different languages and I think it's neat that I've got the same spelling but different pronunciation.

Thx for asking.

Do you have any nicknames or favorite numbers?


TeeJay said...

It's harder to find
Truth and eternal beauty
Without lots of peace.

Ms. Senyak said...

Paz- So your nickname could also be A-Pas? (like A-Rod) :-)
That's cool, I wonder how many people get it before you explain the background? (IE, people that are familiar w maz and yaz).
I have no nicknames, kind of sad. No favorite #s but I am a bit of a # psychic.

TJ! Nice haiku of your own there, and utilizing the peace theme.